The Sharp Notes with Evan Toth
The Sharp Notes is a conversation podcast about music, sound, production and media hosted by Evan Toth.
The Sharp Notes with Evan Toth
Isaac Watters and His Latest Album, "New Space and Time"
When we talk about an individual being artistic, usually we’re referring to the visual or graphic arts field, and every so often, music. However, an infusion of art is really necessary in any branch of knowledge: coding, medicine, logistics, education or any other field for that matter really all require a bit of an artistic eye to be elevated to its pinnacle.
Isaac Watters uses his inherent artistry in two fields where he’s been successful: you may have seen some of his work as a set designer and art director, but he’s also an architect. When he’s not immersed in either of those careers, he’s focused on music. Recently, Isaac has released his latest album, New Space and Time and while he’s got a number of concepts that are unique to his music, on this record he further explores concepts relating to the natural world and the way we humans inhabit it.
So, think about your own life. You may not work with a paintbrush in your hand and you may be completely tone deaf. But I’ve got a hunch, that if you look within yourself, there’s a skill that you have that others think is incredibly artistic.