The Sharp Notes with Evan Toth
The Sharp Notes is a conversation podcast about music, sound, production and media hosted by Evan Toth.
Podcasting since 2021 • 157 episodes
The Sharp Notes with Evan Toth
Latest Episodes
Pressing Records From the Sugar Beet? Larry Jaffee and Kevin Da Costa Explain Their Icelandic Experiments to Create a More Sustainable Record
In 1979, Blondie released their fourth album, Eat to the Beat. Little did the band know that nearly a half-century later, there would be a discussion of pressing beats onto a record made of beets that one could - in theory - actually eat.
Wine, Music, and Philanthropy, the Heartbeat of Michael Dorf Founder the Knitting Factory and City Winery
In vino veritas, is a Latin expression which - when translated - means, “In wine, there is truth.” While that concept might be slightly romanticized, there’s no doubt that a little bit of truth, and a whole lot of vision - with nice cabernet - ...

Goldiie Lux Talks About Her New EP, S.I.N. in the Midst of the Los Angeles Fires
Determination is an incredibly important part of success in any industry. But, in music and media, one must be constantly doing their thing in front of as many audiences as possible, all the time. Sure, this is an exhausting part of the gig, bu...

Nathan Trueb and Jose Medeles' Musical Project, Another Glory
Good friends can get you through difficult times. They have your back through thick and thin, they know how to anticipate if you need support, and they can always be relied upon for understanding. However, when that friendship involves music, i...

Will Dailey and His New (physical only) Release, "Boys Talking"
Massachusetts has always been aligned with revolutionary thoughts. Anyone paying attention in elementary history classes knows that our very own American Revolution began in Boston Harbor with a little event known as the Boston Tea Party. Just ...